Island Time (Crete, Greece)

            After Antalya we were in Crete for two days, are at sea for a day, and will be arriving in Kusadasi, Turkey tomorrow morning where we will be for another two days. Then we have one day at sea and arrive in Athens. Due to this small amount of time between ports and a few midterms in my classes, my posts may be short right now and mostly contain pictures. I am sorry and will try to write about at least one thing that happened to us. For your reference these pictures were taken in Iraklion, Malia, and Knossos (the ruins).

The first night we were in Iraklion, we decided to walk home from the main town after dinner around 11. I was in a group of around six girls, and we began to notice all the stray dogs around the city. The dogs were all very sweet, and kind of mangy, but we weren't too worried about them. At first, when a group of three dogs came bounding up to us and we tried to shoosh them away, but one dog would just not leave us alone. He was a black and gold mid sized mutt, and he decided to escort us to the boat. He wagged his tale and after about five blocks we gave up trying to get rid of the sucker.

A few minutes later we heard a lot of barking around one of the corners. We tried to walk away, but sure enough our little mutt started barking too. Before we knew it a pack of six medium sized dogs came bounding around the corner and they started running in circles around us, wagging their tales. We were all instantly overwhelmed and tried to cross the street to loose them, but they ran into traffic with us, almost getting hit by cars, and continued to surround us. I think we must have looked quite a mess with six college girls attempting to not trip on dogs, run into each other, and dodge cars. It was like the worst game of frogger ever. We didn't know whether to be frightened, laugh, or run away. The dogs seemed friendly, but when one of the larger ones started to nip at my friend's heels we started jogging. Suddenly, fire works went off just overhead from the bay area. We all stood and watched for a few minutes forgetting blurry fur balls darting around us. The dogs did not stop with us however, and one by one they continued running off down the street. Leaving, one dog even tried to bite the wheels of the small cars as they drove by. By the time the fire works ended we were alone again, and I celebrated by yelling "OPA!" before we continued walking home. 



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