Look At All the Pretty Colours (Barcelona, Spain)

sagrada familia 
tiabo mountain
park guell 
las rambles
casa batllo
la pedrera
Our first stop for Spain was Barcelona, or as I like to cornily call it, Bartha. Yes, they lisp in Barcelona. Honestly Bartha surprised me. I expected it to be awesome because Spain is awesome, but three days was not enough to appreciate this city at all. We covered the city seeing almost all the major sites and I still didn't think it was enough. I included a bunch of pics in this email and I JUST now realized that ALL of the captions I have been putting in my pics since morocco haven't been showing up for some reason. I am doing all this blogging via email so I'm sorry there have been no captions. Now I bet you all think I am weird for posting some pics because I didn't get to explain it. Good thing y'all new I was weird to begin with.
            Since the captions aren't showing up ill go ahead and try to explain some of them here. The intense architecture in the church pics was the church called Sagrada Familia, only the single coolest thing I have seen on this trip, and y'all know I have seen a lot. I won't explain how amazing it is because that would take forever but PLEASE GOD google it. Anyways… the large pics of the second church are on tibidabo mountain which overlooks Bartha. The pics of the tan building with the rocks and the mountainous overlook are from the monetary at Montserrat, which is also amazing. I think those are the most important for now and I'll try and add captions when I get back to the states if you are dying to know what stuff is.
Also, everything here is gaudi style and I think there were mosaics everywhere. The city was a modge podge of colours and random trippy architecture, but it was a nice change from what we have seen so far. The Tapas were also a fun change until I realized I was paying 3 dollars for a bread crumb and some chicken paste. They trick you with the price because each one isn't that much but the meal ends up being like 15 euro and ain't nobody got money for that. (or anything else for that matter after 8 countries)
            My friend Isa studied abroad in Spain this last semester and she told me that everyone in Spain stays out really late, and as usual she was 100% correct. When we went home from the club at 5:30AM there were hundreds of people still on the beach and I even bough a crepe from a stand that was still open. What in the world you do at 5:30 I don't know, but obviously there is something to it I missed. I don't know how these people survive the next day because I had to sleep till like 12:30pm, but I passed it off as a cultural experience and said it was worth it. (It was)
 P.S. I apologize for using internet and text slang but I have finals coming up, have hardly stopped in between the last three countries, and I should really be asleep right now. Sorry I'm not sorry.
aslo i am now working on captions by pics. 


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