God Save The Queen (London pt.2)

I can't tell you how wonderful it was to be back in London. Immediately I was reminded how lovely and hospitable the people are. Even though mom and I crammed in a lot, the pace felt more leisurely and I felt the stress dissipate from trying to exist in a country where you can't speak the language. In London take two, we visited the tower of London (crown jewels), Hampton Court (where Henry 8th lived), Stonehenge, City of Bath, Westminster Abbey, National Gallery (art nerd alert), and a beautiful garden in Chelsea. By this time London was much more familiar, accessible, and comfortable.

 It is hard to say what I enjoyed the most from London, but I will definitely remember our trip to bath and stonehenge. I was surprised at how much I liked stonehenge, you know, for a bunch of rocks and all. I think what I appreciated was the amazing countryside where Stonehenge is located. There were green fields of flowing grass that rolled like sea waves, and the whole country seemed alive and lush. There were some amusing people at stonehenge. I guess since people think the stones are all magical or whatever lots of pagan witch practice has to do with stonehenge, and there were actually people there dressed in full length colored velvet cloaks. Ill let you take that in for a second. I don't mean to judge or anything, but I am pretty sure Stonehenge was made around 3000 BC and I don't even think they had velvet back then. Just saying.

             Another favorite of mine was the Chelsea Physic Garden. It is a small wonderful garden in the suburbs of Chelsea. There were tons of local families and children all relaxing there after work. It was lovely to see the local people and observe them going about their everyday lives. They still dress very hipster even in the gardens by the way. As the sun was setting we were able to get coffee and sweet lemon cakes in the garden's cafĂ©. There were HUGE pink peonies at every table. I felt like I was in an old English poem. The flowers in the garden were in bloom and there was a large variety of plants from all over the world. As usual I went a little picture crazy and even took some creeper shots of the locals (it's not like they will ever find out).

            I was very sad to say goodbye to London and my mom, but after months and months it was FINALLY time to start SAS. I am currently on the ship and it is a whole new set of experiences to get used to and enjoy. There is much to say about daily sea life, but we arrive in morocco tomorrow so that will have to wait. Wish me safe travels in morocco and I will have pictures and updates from that soon!


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