"Pardon" (Paris pt.1)

View from the flat


Sacre Coeur

The Artist with my painting 

Notre Dame


Chartres - revelation 4





I'm in Paris now if you can't tell. I think I have been here a few days. Can't remember. Anyways Paris is cool and since the cars go the correct way now, I have only feared for my life a few times. It’s beautiful, but a little dirty. We are staying in a lovely flat and I have pretty much had only bread, cheese, crepes, and wine since I have been here. It’s great.

The whole language thing has thrown me though. From asking where the butter is, to trying to get directions to home at four am in French is a pain. I can understand some French and speak even less, so there has been a tiny bit of disconnect between me and EVERYONE ELSE. Even Google is in French. I keep forgetting to speak French to people when I bump into them, so I have been getting death stares for saying “sorry” instead of “pardon” (please imagine this with an terrible French accent). By now, I throw in a “pardon” before and after everything I attempt to say, just to be safe. Even so, I have managed to struggle through and it has been a wonderful few days (or so, whatever).

I pulled out the camera again as we saw the main sights in Paris and ate our way through the city. At least now the weather is warm and I can wear European looking clothes so I am safe from looking like a total tourist, until I open my mouth. I have found that if I put in my headphones in and don’t look around on the metro, I can almost pass for being normal. So far we have done a lot of sight seeing. Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Moulin Rouge, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, Sacre Coeur, Montmartre, Siene, Champs-Elysees, Chartres, and other tourist stuff. My favorite has definitely been Montmartre where we saw the artists and Sacre Coeur (the white building that kind of looks like a mosque). I bought a painting there and fell in love with the area. I really enjoy all the old churches and it is wonderful to see how people put their love for God into architecture and art. To see all of these things we hopped on a sight seeing double decker bus where you can get on and off at all the sights. Nothing screams tourist like a lime green double decker, but I think they are freaking awesome. Even without the buses the metro systems are fabulous here (even though they smell) and I really wish we somehow had them in Colorado.

I also went out one night with my friend Tiffany who works here as an au pair. I really enjoyed seeing the local French nightlife. As I figured, they are just like every other young crowd, fun, excited, spontaneous, and a little crazy. 

Also- they have McDonalds here, except it’s called Mc Café and they serve macaroons. #boom

p.s. the lock picks are on a bridge by the Seine. Couples put the lock on and then throw the key in the river so their love wont die. 

The next few days will be museums (nerd alert) and Versailles. Peace. 


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